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Visitor Vista

If you are not a Canadian citizen or permanent resident and you want to visit Canada to spend holidays, or to meet your family members, or to visit for a business trip you may require having a Temporary Resident visitor visa.

Here are some of the requirements for Visitor Visa that you are required to meet.

  • You must meet IRPA and IRPR requirements
  • You must show that your staying temporary in Canada and have strong ties to your home country
  • Your financials records to show that you can support yourself
  • You have no criminal records and not a risk to Canada
  • You do not intend to work or study in Canada without authorization
  • You may have to provide medical examination

There can be other additional documents and information asked during your application process.
You may need electronic travel authorization or a visitor visa, If you want to visit Canada. Triton Immigration can help you understand the requirements you are must meet and manage your visitor visa process.
Contact Triton Immigration to know more details.